Convert123 1.0 is a powerful unit and measurement converter that allows you to convert from different units into others in a very easy way. The program will convert any unit of measurement almost automatically. It has got a friendly interface that will guide you on how to convert from one into another. Using this software, you will be able to convert from different units and measurements such as Viscosity, volume, velocity, force, time, temperature, torque, pressure, weight, power, mass, flow rate, density, area, lighting, frequency, angles, power, circular measure and many more. To convert by using Convert123 1.0, all you have to do is to go to the group where the unit you want to convert is, select the unit of measurement, select the unit of measurement you want to convert it to and the program will automatically convert it. Something good about this advanced and powerful application, is that it comes with a calculator on its main window so that you can make any calculation you consider necessary. Convert123 1.0 will allow you to save the results and to print them.